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Captain Benjamin Finn

Ben Finn

Twenty-nine years young

Captain of the Albion Guard

Played by Jeremy Renner


Six Character Traits

~ Loyal

~ Sarcastic

~ Protective

~ Stubborn

~ Brave

~ A bit of a self- and kingdom-proclaimed heartbreaker

Seven Recent Carrier Pigeons

"If it snows I'm making an igloo and getting wasted in it."

"Nothing can teach you regret more efficiently than a wine hangover."

"I forgot that places existed where drinking on Sunday is frowned upon. It's just so unreasonable."

"Lets both be adults and never talk about last night again."

"Let me get this straight, you're telling me to lower my standards? Even though last week you told me I don't have any..?"

"I drank, I fought, I made my ancestors proud."

"Well I was going to go home but vodka happened."

Two Vivid Memories

- Teaming up with Stella on her goal to overthrow Logan from the throne (and the whole mess that adventure was) and then continuing to support her through the Second Battle for Albion

- Briefly leaving the Guard to go off exploring on his own before returning for reasons he refuses to explain fully to everyone but Stella

Three Hobbies

- Exploring Albion

- Catching up with friends over a few drinks

- Occasionally you can still catch him buried in a good book

Six People

- Queen Stella Back; great friend, ally, and one true love

- Sir Walter Beck; great friend, ally; deceased

- Major Swift "Swifty"; commanding officer, friend; deceased

- Page, Sabine, and Kalin; allies

You and Tequila - Kenny Chesney feat. Grace Potter
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